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Why Do Insurers Offer a Fast Payout for Catastrophic Injury?

 Posted on January 29, 2025 in Catastrophic Injuries

Barrington, IL personal injury lawyerSometimes, people walk away from an accident unscathed, while others sustain catastrophic and life-threatening injuries. Brain and spinal cord injuries are some of the worst because even if victims recover, their lives may be permanently altered. Insurers often offer fast settlements after catastrophic injuries in hopes the victims do not realize they may be entitled to much more.

What kinds of accidents can lead to spinal cord and brain injuries? How can these injuries affect victims long-term? An experienced Barrington, IL personal injury attorney can calculate your damages and fight to maximize your compensation.

How Can Catastrophic Injuries Happen?

Almost any type of accident can produce serious injuries, but some of the most common causes include motor vehicle collisions, falls, and construction accidents. Assault victims may also suffer catastrophic injuries. When these injuries are caused by another party's intentional act or negligence, you may be eligible to file a claim against them for compensation.

Catastrophic injuries, including brain and spinal cord damage, burns, nerve damage, and loss of limbs, hearing, or sight, typically leave victims with permanent conditions. Maximum medical improvement (MMI) refers to when the victim has stabilized and is not expected to improve, even if they receive additional medical treatment. After reaching MMI, brain injury victims may still have permanent:

  • Personality changes

  • Memory and recognition problems

  • Weakness, numbness, and tremors

  • Cognitive issues

  • Chronic pain

  • Seizures

  • Disfigurement

Spinal cord injuries, depending on where they are located, can cause victims to be partially or totally paralyzed. Respiratory problems can develop, and victims may experience constant pain. Men may also face sexual dysfunction, which usually has strong emotional and mental repercussions.

Why Would Insurers Offer Fast Settlements After a Catastrophic Injury?

In personal injury claims, your eligible damages may include reimbursement for accident-related expenses and compensation for conditions like pain and suffering, permanent disability, and loss of enjoyment of life. There is no set amount for these damages; they reflect your actual expenses and how severely your injuries have impacted your quality of life.

You may need life-long medical care, and you might be unable to return to work. A quick settlement offer made before you reach maximum medical improvement will probably not cover your future financial losses. Accepting an offer means you cannot ask for more compensation later.

Although taking the money now might be tempting because it can help you in the short term, you might be entitled to far more than what the insurance company offers. This is one of the main reasons you should pursue your claim with a lawyer's assistance. We know how to place accurate values on your damages, and we will fight with the insurer on your behalf to help you collect the full amount you deserve.

Speak With Our Knowledgeable Barrington, IL Brain Injury Attorney

If you are suffering from catastrophic injuries, you should not be made to suffer financially because of an insurance company's greed. A skilled Barrington, IL spinal cord injuries lawyer from Lucas Law will fight for maximum compensation. Schedule your complimentary consultation today by calling 847-381-8700 or contacting us online.

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